Get Online with .US
Reserve your .US web address today.
A place for small businesses on the Internet.
It starts with you, and ends in .US
.US is made to serve individuals, organizations and businesses of all stripes. Instantly calling to mind a great nation and all the humanity that’s teeming within it, when you get a .US domain, that journey starts with something extra —a sense of pride. It validates and energizes every endeavor that carries those two letters. You’re starting strong when you’ve got .US behind you.
You're not just part of the masses - you're a member of the local community. Get a place online for your life’s pursuit. Your .US domain awaits.
Additional Audiences with .US
How do I get my .US web address?
Its as easy as...

Search for
a Domain
Search for your preferred .US web address. If yours is taken, we will suggest some alternatives.

Make your
Choose a retail partner. We have trusted partnerships with leading retailers to secure your .US domain.

at Retailer
Once you have selected a retail partner you will be directed to their site to complete your transaction.
Get Started & Find Your .US Web Address Today
Resources for Small Businesses
Get started with online tools, tips, and posts to help your site every step of the way.
Online Toolkits
Browse the library for marketing kits, website checklists and tools to help keep your online efforts on track.
Additional tools and tips to consider:
- Survival Guide to Social Media
- Choosing a Domain Name
- How to Master Lead Generation with Your Website
eBooks for Business
Get access to valuable website guides to help you navigate everything from SEO to Google Analytics.
Available eBooks include:
- How to Navigate Google Analyticss
- Beginners Kit for PPC Advertising
- Domain Name Basics: Redirects, Branded Email, Shortlinks & more
Local Search Solutions for Businesses
Increase visibility for your business with online local listing services; publish to 100+ local search platforms, mobile applications, navigation systems, and directories at one time - from one place.
- Full control over the accuracy of your business listing
- Ongoing Listing validation and verification
Local Search Solutions for Businesses
Increase visibility for your business with online local listing services; publish to 100+ local search platforms, mobile applications, navigation systems, and directories at one time - from one place.
- Full control over the accuracy of your business listing
- Ongoing Listing validation and verification