A Beginner’s Guide to Paid Search
Read the eBookAbout this eBook
This eBook will walk you through some fundamental and intermediate-level information to teach you the basics of paid search, as well as provide plenty of practical, actionable steps to set up an effective and successful paid search campaign. Some areas we’ll cover include how pay per click bidding systems work, how to perform keyword research and optimization techniques for your campaign.
Take a look inside to learn the basics of:
Ad Auctions
Keyword Research
Writing Great Text Ads
Campaign Optimization
Read the eBook Below
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How do I get my .US web address?
Its as easy as...

Search for
a Domain
Search for your preferred .US web address. If yours is taken, we will suggest some alternatives.

Make your
Choose a retail partner. We have trusted partnerships with leading retailers to secure your .US domain.

at Retailer
Once you have selected a retail partner you will be directed to their site to complete your transaction.