- Where can I redeem the offer?
- Where can I find the promo code for my event?
- Who is Porkbun.com? I see them listed on your page as your partner.
- What is the URL where I can login with my username/password?
- I did not receive a confirmation email with my login information immediately after registration. Where can I get my login information?
- I have another question not covered here.
On behalf of the entire .US team, we congratulate you for taking part in the Trip Across America event. You have taken the first step in bringing your idea to life and you only have 54 hours to do it! In order to make the next 54 hours a little easier for you, we are happy to provide a .US web address to every participant of the Trip Across America event, for registration during that event.
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions below for your convenience. If your answer is not listed below, please tweet us @AboutDotUS. and we will be happy to help you out.
Where can I redeem the offer?
You can redeem the offer at http://www.about.us/america using the promo code for your event.
Where can I find the promo code for my event?
The Organizer or Facilitator at your event has the promo code for your event. In order to reduce abuse of this offer, we ask that you not publicly share the code outside of your event. While we'd love for you to tweet/post/yell/scream about how excited you are to have your .US, we ask that you please not include the code itself in those communications.
Who is Porkbun.com? I see them listed on your page as your partner.
Porkbun.com is our registrar partner that fulfills our offer for free 1-year registration of .US domains for the Trip Across America participants. They are an amazing company that is helping startups and businesses get online quickly and easily, and we find their DNS Editor to be one of the best in the business. You can learn more about them at porkbun.com.
What is the URL where I can login with my username/password?
You will be able to login to your Porkbun.com Control Panel at porkbun.com/login, using the username and password that was emailed to you immediately after registrationn. If you didn't receive an email within 30 minutes of registration, please mail Porkbun.com Support, including the domain name under question and the email address to which it was registered.
I have another question not covered here.
If your answer is not listed below, please tweet us @AboutDotUS and we will be happy to help you out.